Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Hangover in W-minor

So here we are, blinking in the grim light of a morning in which we find ourselves married to George W. Bush for another four years. And sorry, this is the new and improved America, where there is no divorce, silly kids, because God said so. Or Dubya. Whoever. It seems that slightly more than half our blessed citizens can't tell the difference.

It's enough to make anyone long for a twelve-pack and .50-caliber sniper rifle.

But we'll hang on, won't we? Even if our friends are overwhelming Canada's immigration Web site or brushing up on their Spanish, we'll keep it together, surviving and fighting the venality and dullness of a country we barely recognize.


Canoes under my shoes said...

Ne'er a truer word was writ.

Anonymous said...

Dude -- Nice opening line. Good job or paraphrasing Lloyd Bridges in "Airplane."